Showtime of Spinebreaker
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Schack, Holy Priest.

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Schack, Holy Priest. Empty Schack, Holy Priest.

Post  Schack Wed Aug 10, 2011 12:43 am

1. Name / Age / Gender / Country:
Dennis, 22, Male, Denmark
2. Character name / race / class:
Schack, Tauren, Priest (Oh yes, I did it.)

3. Character profile link:
I'm currently unable to link due to being a new member to the boards, likely due to an anti spam script. Nagnan inspected me in Orgrimmar previously, and I'm more than happy to provide a link later on when the forums will permit.

4. Previous Characters or other alts that u played before or currently have:
85 Frost Death Knight on another server that I might transfer in the future.

5. What spec u normally use and why:
Holy. I chose it because I find it suits my style better. In the past I used to use disc/holy hybrid builds (back when that was actually possible).

6. Previous Guilds and reason why u leave:
Chuck Norris Fanclub on the Vashj realm. It was disbanded shortly before the release of lvl 60 Naxxramas.
Raging Alcoholics on Emeriss in TBC. Left because I went on break.
FBI on Balnazzar in WOLTK. I left because I went on break.

7. Raiding XP ( every expansion and every tier content )
This is a bit of a lengthy list, but in order of appearance:
Vanilla: Zul'Gurub, Molten Core, Blackwing Lair, AQ20+AQ40. My favorite fights was possibly Ragnaros, Nefarian and Chromaggus.
TBC: Karazhan, Gruul's+Magtheridon's Lair, Serpentshrine Cavern and Tempest Keep.
WOLTK: I didn't raid so much in this expansion but I did get through 11/12 in ICC normal and full TOTC.
Cataclysm: Thus far I've been through BoT, BWD, Throne of the Four Winds and been on approximately 3 bosses in Firelands. Shannox, Beth'tilac and Lord Rhyolith. Only killed Shannox, though (this was on my death knight, mind.)

8. For how many years are u active in raiding ( include summer breaks if there is )
I've had approximately one break before every new expansion, which lasted a few months, so if we do the math... 3 expansions + a break before TBC = 8 months when I wasn't raiding in total, assuming 'raiding' includes casual raiding which I did for the most part in WOLTK.

9. What u think about theorycraft?
Theory craft is useful. I don't have much to say about it, really. I like the idea of crunching numbers to create spreadsheets and thus calculate expected damage/healing output given the various variables.

10. Is friendship important to you?
I would say so, considering I just transfered my character here to play with Kunz, Toftie and Kornblomst again.

11. Content or purples?
Content, definitely. When I raid, I do it to see and beat the challenges put forth by Blizzard. Receiving loot as a reward is only a nice bonus.

12. Why u think Showtime will benefit from u?
Because... I'm a Tauren priest! Seriously though, I come prepared for raids and I try to give atleast 24 hour notice if I can't make it to a raid.
I also read up on fights beforehand so I at least have a basic idea of what's going to happen, though I'll never claim to be perfect at a fight I've never tried before.

Post your IU ss (mandatory)
I'm unable to post links in this thread, but I'm more than happy to supply you with a link in game or otherwise.

13. Is there anything else u wanna add to your application?
The rules section stated I should list my addons and why I use them, so I will.
Xperl - Unitframes to make everything look better, plus I feel it gives better healer awareness than standard UI.
Bartender - Because I like being able to shove my bars around and place them where I like.
Deadly Boss Mods - Well, duh. Very Happy
Recount - For monitoring the various outputs in encounters.
Auctioneer - for my AH adventures!
Postal - Because nobody wants to click 120 icons when they can just click 'Open All'.
I am also working on finding a good hot counter so I can keep track of when my hots run out. In addition, I am well aware that I don't have the best shoulder enchant from Therazane on armory. I got Exalted with them recently and I'll be getting the epic one shortly.




Posts : 1
Join date : 2011-08-09

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